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My Healthy Community: Delaware Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

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Insights from the 2014-2018 Delaware Suicide Surveillance Study

Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder

Insights from the 2014-2018 Delaware Suicide Surveillance StudyDate published: April 2022

Nearly 600 Delawareans died by suicide between 2014 and 2018. By examining the data and the characteristics of those who died, DHSS seeks to provide residents, health care professionals, local organizations, and others with information that could help prevent future suicides.

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COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Hispanic Community


COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Hispanic CommunityDate published: March 2022

Hispanic Delawareans were hit hard during the pandemic's early months and slow to be vaccinated. Now they top the vaccination tables. What happened?

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Delaware's Opioid Crisis

Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder

Delaware's Opioid CrisisDate published: January 2020

In Delaware, like in many states across the nation, the statistics paint a troubling reality. Over 30,000 adults, 9,000 adolescents, and more than 82 percent of our prison population struggle with mental illness or substance use disorder.

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