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From preschool to high school and beyond, measures of enrollment and proficiency indicate inequities in educational access and achievement. The Data Center disaggregates data covering math and English language arts assessments, graduation rates, and other indicators.

Child working on art project

Suspensions and Expulsions

Data are current as of 3/24/2025

Most recent dashboard update: 3/24/2025

What is this section about?

Rates of student suspension and expulsion can provide a window into potential disciplinary biases based on race and other identities. Though disciplinary actions are typically subject to district-by-district policies and procedures (and unique incident and student details), evidence of unequal suspension and expulsion decisions are relevant to discussions around alternative disciplinary measures.

In-School Suspension

To analyze in-school suspension, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Percent of students with an in-school suspension. In-school suspensions are incidents when a student is removed from the regular classroom setting due to a disciplinary infraction and is assigned to an in-school suspension program for a temporary amount of time.


In-School Suspension in Delaware


of students

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In-School Suspension by Demographic Over Time

In-School Suspension

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In-School Suspension by Ethnicity

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In-School Suspension by Race

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In-School Suspension by Sex

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Out-of-School Suspension

To analyze out-of-school suspension, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Percent of students with an out-of-school suspension. Out-of-school suspensions are incidents when a student is removed from the regular classroom setting due to a disciplinary infraction and is banned from school grounds for a specified length of time.


Out-of-School Suspension in Delaware


of students

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Out-of-School Suspension by Demographic Over Time

Out-of-School Suspension

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Out-of-School Suspension by Ethnicity

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Out-of-School Suspension by Race

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Out-of-School Suspension by Sex

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To analyze expulsion, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Percent of students expelled. Expulsions are incidents when the local board of education bans a student from the regular school setting for a specified length of time.


Expulsion in Delaware


of students

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Expulsion by Demographic Over Time


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Expulsion by Ethnicity

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Expulsion by Race

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Expulsion by Sex

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Student Performance Assessment

Data are current as of 3/24/2025

Most recent dashboard update: 3/24/2025

Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts

To analyze percent of 3rd graders proficient in english language arts, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in English language arts (ELA) using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts in Delaware


of 3rd graders

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts by Ethnicity

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts by Race

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in English language arts by Sex

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts

To analyze percent of 8th graders proficient in english language arts, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in English language arts (ELA) using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts in Delaware


of 8th graders

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts by Ethnicity

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts by Race

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in English language arts by Sex

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts

To analyze percent of 11th graders proficient in english language arts, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in English language arts (ELA) using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts in Delaware


of 11th graders

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts by Ethnicity

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts by Race

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in English language arts by Sex

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math

To analyze percent of 3rd graders proficient in math, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in math using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math in Delaware


of 3rd graders

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math by Ethnicity

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math by Race

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Percent of 3rd graders proficient in math by Sex

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in math

To analyze percent of 8th graders proficient in math, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in math using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 8th graders proficient in math in Delaware


of 8th graders

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in math by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 8th graders proficient in math

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in math by Ethnicity

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in math by Race

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Percent of 8th graders proficient in math by Sex

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in math

To analyze percent of 11th graders proficient in math, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Students in grades 3 and 8 assessed as proficient in math using the Smarter assessment and in 11th grade by the SAT assessment.


Percent of 11th graders proficient in math in Delaware


of 11th graders

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in math by Demographic Over Time

Percent of 11th graders proficient in math

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in math by Ethnicity

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in math by Race

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Percent of 11th graders proficient in math by Sex

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Student Enrollment and Graduation Rates

Data are current as of 3/24/2025

Most recent dashboard update: 3/24/2025

What is this section about?

Like educational achievement, educational attainment has historically been linked with race, with white and Asian Amnericans in general leveraging greater access to educational resources (including higher quality schools and extra-curricular activities) into higher rates of progression and graduation.

Four-year graduation rate

To analyze four-year graduation rate, the mean and standard deviation of the values were calculated. Using these, the minimum and maximum for the color scale were established. This scaling is intended to make it easier to interpret the data at an initial glance.

About this Indicator

Percent of high school students who graduated within four years


Four-year graduation rate in Delaware


of students

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Four-year graduation rate by Demographic Over Time

Four-year graduation rate

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Four-year graduation rate by Ethnicity

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Four-year graduation rate by Race

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Four-year graduation rate by Sex

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