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My Healthy Community: Delaware Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

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Equity in Delaware


Partners in Equity

The Equity Counts Data Center is a joint project of the Delaware Division of Health and Social Services, United Way of Delaware, and the Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative.

United way logo
Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative logo

About the Equity Counts Data Center


The Equity Counts Data Center (ECDC) provides easily interpretable information on key indicators in Delaware.

This tool, provided for the community by the Delaware Department of Public Health and DHSS in conjunction with the United Way of Delaware, allows you to view data and key findings pertaining to the health, social determinants, and demographic characteristics of communities in Delaware as they relate to equity.

People gathering in a park during the day for a social justice rally.
Photo credit:Malu Laker

What is equity, and why does it matter?

United Way Worldwide describes equity as "the intentional inclusion of everyone in society. Equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education, and health outcomes."

In short, today, the opportunity to participate and prosper in American society is not the same for all.

Boy writing on paper near girl in a school-like setting.
Photo credit:Santi Vedrí

Pillars of Equity

Evidence of racial and other disparities appears in numerous measures of well-being—which the Equity Counts Data Center groups under "pillars" of health, education, criminal justice, and wealth creation. The Data Center is designed to help Delawareans explore these equity pillars at different geographic levels —and thereby motivate and support communities toward inclusion and equity action.

Pillars of Equity

Population Data

Demographics, population data and other community details.


Barriers to preventative care and health insurance coverage can lead to adverse chronic health outcomes.


People with higher levels of education are more likely to be healthier and live longer. Social and economic factors can affect academic success.

Criminal Justice

Student high-risk behaviors put them and their communities at risk for physical, behavioral, & mental health problems.

Wealth Creation

Many people cannot afford basic needs like healthy foods, health care, and housing even while working a stable job.

Equity Counts Data Center

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About the Data Center

The Equity Counts Data Center offers data at different community levels, including zip codes, census tracts, counties, and the state. The different map types allow you to see all the different report types. Investigating by pillar provides context that may help identify locations of interest.

Map Results Data Table


Tips for Searching With the Map

Use the first drop-down above the map to select the map type. Use the second drop-down to investigate by pillar.

About the Equity Counts Data Center

All Data Center Topics

  • Population Data

    • Population
  • Health

    • Preventative Healthcare
    • Chronic Disease and Health Outcomes
    • Adverse Childhood Experiences
    • COVID Statistics
  • Education

    • Suspensions and Expulsions
    • Student Performance Assessment
    • Student Enrollment and Graduation Rates
  • Criminal Justice

    • Youth Risk Factors
  • Wealth Creation

    • Employment
    • Income and Poverty
    • Housing
    • Benefits
    • Deprivation