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Maternity and child health focuses on ensuring safe pregnancies, healthy births, and the well-being of mothers and children. Access to quality prenatal care and early childhood support is essential for building strong, healthy communities.
Maternal and Child Health in Sussex County
In releasing this information, Delaware aims to provide information that can be helpful to local communities as they work to improve public health. However, the protection of the confidentiality of our citizens is of paramount importance. To that end, counts of less than 11 are not presented. An outside expert has reviewed the platform to ensure it complies with the HIPAA privacy rule (45 CFR 164.§514(b)).
Selected location:
Maternal and Child Health in Sussex County
Here, we highlight one key statistic from each topic. Click a table row to see more detailed data for the statistic. Or click on a link under "Topic Page" to view a statistic's corresponding topic page.
Topic Page | Indicator | Sussex County | % Change | Trendline |
Infant and Fetal Deaths | Infant Mortality rate per 1,000 live births | N/A | N/A | |
Lead | Children Tested with Levels Above 5 µg/dl rate per 10,000 children under 6 | N/A | N/A | |
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) rate per 1,000 live births | 24 | Increased 50%(2012 to 2017) | Loading... |
Preterm Births | Pre-term Births rate per 1,000 live births | 86 | Decreased 17%(2017 to 2022) | Loading... |
Teen Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy number of people | 142 | Decreased 5%(2017 to 2022) | Loading... |
Values marked with
indicate there is insufficient data to respect the privacy of citizens.