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My Healthy Community: Delaware Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

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Asthma Deaths

Data are current as of 1/1/2016

Asthma is a rare cause of death, and according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), asthma deaths are believed to be largely preventable in most populations. Early diagnosis, treatment, and supportive efforts for quality health care and patient education are essential for those with asthma and potentially at high risk of asthma-related death. Nationally, overall asthma-related deaths have decreased over time.

Asthma deaths are deaths with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes J45 through J46 listed as the underlying cause on the death certificate. ICD-10 codes are assigned to all causes of death by the National Center for Health Statistics. Death data are compiled and processed by the Delaware Health Statistics Center from the death certificates, and the Delaware resident's data are provided to My Healthy Community for this section.

Maps and queries in this section are unavailable to comply with the suppression rule of small numbers since asthma-related deaths are infrequent. All numbers that are shown are based on 5-year counts in order to protect patient privacy.

Key Data & Reports

Asthma Deaths in Kent County

Data are current as of 2016

Most recent dashboard update: 5/29/2024

Asthma Deaths

Kent County

Age Adjusted Rate

2012 - 2016

age-adjusted rate per 10,000 population

Data loading for chart...

decreased 31% from 2011 to 2016
Kent County


2012 - 2016

Kent County

Crude Rate

2012 - 2016

rate per 100,000 population