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Asthma Emergency Department Visits

Data are current as of 12/1/2022

People with asthma use physicians' offices, pharmacies, hospitals, and emergency departments to meet their needs. The preferred sources of treatment are physician and pharmacy.

Appropriate use of these sources can eliminate or substantially reduce the need for emergency room visits or hospital admissions. In fact, many emergency room and inpatient asthma encounters can be viewed as provider and patient management breakdowns. Because these two service locations are the most expensive encounters, minimizing their use represents the most efficient use of the health care system.

Note: Patients who had Emergency Department visits and were admitted to the hospital are included in the Hospitalizations data.

nurse aiding child with an inhaler
Photo credit:CDC

Key Data & Reports

Asthma Emergency Department Visits in Zip Code 19711

Data are current as of 2022

Most recent dashboard update: 12/8/2023

Asthma Emergency Department Visits

Zip Code 19711

Age Adjusted Rate

In order to protect privacy small values are not reported
Zip Code 19711



Zip Code 19711

Crude Rate

Dec 2022

rate per 10,000 population

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Asthma Emergency Department Visits in Zip Code 19711

Data are current as of 12/8/2023

Most recent dashboard update: 12/1/2022

Asthma Emergency Department Visits in Zip Code 19711

Rate per 10,000 population

Data loading for chart...

Data Sources
Emergency Department Data

Citation: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.