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My Healthy Community: Delaware Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

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Disparities in health outcomes—such as life expectancy and rates of diabetes—frequently correlate with unequal treatment based on race and other identities. The Data Center gathers a range of indicators for exploring gaps and inequities in health.

Health professionals examining an x-ray

Preventative Healthcare

Zip Code 19732

What is this section about?

Regular physicals, screenings, vaccinations, and other preventative health measures are critical to preventing disease and disability. Disparities in preventative healthcare can be indicative of inequities in healthcare access, differing environmental exposures (e.g. local air quality), service gaps, and other systemic factors potentially linked to race, gender, and other identities.

Cholesterol screening

Mammography Use

Cervical Cancer Screening


Health Insurance Coverage

About this Zip Code

The health insurance coverage percent in Zip Code 19732 is 75.3%, which is lower than the state percent of 94.2%.

About this indicator

Percent of individuals who report having health insurance coverage

Health Insurance Coverage

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Health Insurance Coverage by Ethnicity

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Health Insurance Coverage by Race

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Health Insurance Coverage by Sex

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Chronic Disease and Health Outcomes

Zip Code 19732

What is this section about?

The prevalence of persistent disease and disabling conditions that require ongoing medical attention or otherwise impact day-to-day activities is a clear barometer of population health. Chronic diseases are among the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S., and inequities across such measures can help reveal patterns of unequal access to care and health insurance as well as correlations with economic factors such as access to stable housing.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Heart Disease



Adverse Childhood Experiences

Zip Code 19732

What is this section about?

An adverse childhood experience is a potentially traumatic event—such as one involving violence, death, neglect, or mental health or substance use problems—that occurs between the ages of 0 and 17. Such experiences can be linked to health and wellbeing later in life, and disparities in the data may provide evidence of where support services have been historically lacking or are currently in need.

Students who experienced housing instability in the past 30 days

Students with at least one parent incarcerated in the past year

Students who have heard or experienced violence between adults in their home in the past year

Students who were hit by an adult who intended to harm them in the past year

Students who were hit by a teen who intended to harm them in the past year

Students who have been bullied in their neighborhood or at school in the past year

Average number of ACES experienced

COVID Statistics

Zip Code 19732

What is this section about?

Issues of equity—access to testing and vaccinations; differing vulnerability of workers, older adults, and others—have been central to the COVID-19 pandemic response. In addition to the case and vaccination data presented in the Data Center, My Healthy Community maintains a comprehensive COVID-19 dashboard featuring current (updated daily) and historical data about the pandemic.